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This copyright policy outlines the permissible ways in which users may utilize our content and clarifies the scenarios that necessitate the acquisition of supplementary licenses. It is an integral component of our terms and conditions. We appreciate your consideration of this policy, as our capacity to invest in top-notch journalism hinges on user compliance. Please be aware that we retain the prerogative to modify our copyright policy periodically. Any such alterations will be communicated through an updated policy on, and it will supersede any prior policy upon publication.  

What is copyright?

Copyright law grants copyright owners the exclusive authority to regulate the utilization of copyrighted works. All the content disseminated on our website and other digital/wireless platforms is safeguarded by copyright law and should only be employed in accordance with the guidelines provided in the “How may I use ESG TIMES content?” section below. Unauthorized usage may potentially constitute copyright infringement, carrying the risk of both individual and corporate liabilities. Any action contrary to the stipulations outlined below, whether it pertains to prohibition or permission, will contravene our terms and conditions. In essence, such actions would not only breach our contractual terms but may also violate copyright law. 

How may I use ESG TIMES content?

 You may do the following:

  • View our content for your personal use on any device that is compatible with (this might be your PC, laptop, smartphone, tablet, or another mobile device) and store our content on that device for your personal use;
  • Print single copies of articles on paper for your personal use;
  • Share links to articles by using any sharing tools we make

How may I republish or redistribute ESG TIMES content? 

With the exception of the permissions outlined above, copying ESG TIMES content from or any third-party source of ESG TIMES content, such as news aggregators, and republishing or redistributing full- text articles, for instance by embedding them in emails or disseminating them across various media platforms, including websites, newsletters, or intranets, is strictly prohibited.

We acknowledge the desire of internet users to share information with others. Accordingly, we authorize limited republishing and redistribution of ESG TIMES content as detailed below, with the condition that such actions do not establish a substitute for ESG TIMES’ own products or services. We define a substitute as a product or service that diminishes the necessity for users or other parties to directly pay for ESG TIMES content or generates revenue from ESG TIMES’ content at the expense of ESG TIMES’ ability to generate revenues from that content.

Provided you do not create a substitute, you are permitted to undertake the following:

  • Publish the original ESG TIMES headline online along with a link to the article and the initial 140 characters of the article (referred to as teaser text).
  • Share the original headlines, links, and teaser text with other
  • Download and utilize our RSS feeds for personal use. Presently, we include headlines and teaser text within our RSS feeds. You may also make an RSS feed accessible to third parties, users within your organization, or users of a website you manage, provided you adhere to the following

The restrictions pertaining to the use of our RSS feeds are as follows:

  • Only publish the feed for access through a web-based
  • Do not employ or distribute the feed as part of a paid service or for commercial
  • Present the feed as it is provided on, including only the headline and teaser content, and ensure that the headline links back to the full-text article on
  • Properly attribute the feed to ESG TIMES as “© ESG IN [year].”
  • Refrain from archiving the feed or any of its
  • Adhere to our guidelines regarding the use of ESG TIMES

Am I allowed to copy or summaries limited parts of ESG TIMES full-text content? 

As mentioned previously, you are not authorized to republish or redistribute full-text articles unless granted permission through any sharing tools we provide.

However, you may republish or redistribute “Summaries” of ESG TIMES articles under the following conditions. “Summaries” can take the form of either an “extract” or an “abstract.” An “extract” refers to 30 words copied verbatim from an ESG TIMES article, which is incorporated into a longer original work. An “abstract” is a 30-word non-verbatim summary of the news or facts reported in an ESG TIMES article that does not constitute part of a longer work and accurately represents the original ESG TIMES article.

To create summaries, you must adhere to these conditions:

  • Properly attribute ESG TIMES as the author of any article from which you derived a Use an attribution such as “[journalist name] at ESG TIMES reported that” and include a hypertext link from the word “ESG TIMES” to the original story on
  • In the case of abstracts, clearly indicate that the abstract was created by you by stating “this abstract from the ESG TIMES was produced by [name],” and provide a hypertext link from the word “ESG TIMES” to the original story published on
  • Ensure that your summaries do not serve as a substitute, in whole or in part, for ESG TIMES’ own products and services (refer to the definition of a Substitute above). You may not create, republish, or redistribute more than ten summaries in total each day, with each summary sourced from a different ESG TIMES article published on the same day you create the summary.
  • Avoid using or creating summaries that endorse or promote any product or
  • If ESG TIMES notifies you that it believes you are creating, republishing, or redistributing summaries outside of these parameters, you must promptly cease doing so. Your rights to create summaries will be considered revoked unless and until ESG TIMES reaches an agreement with you regarding your use of ESG TIMES articles.
  • Please be aware that these rights do not extend to content, data, or other material published by ESG TIMES that we license from third parties (including stock exchange or other index providers), which you are not allowed to republish or redistribute.

How am I allowed to link to ESG TIMES content?

If you intend to establish a link to, please carefully review and adhere to the following guidelines, along with all applicable laws. A website or service that links to

  • Is permitted to display an ESG TIMES logo (please refer to our brand guidelines) to indicate the source of the link but must refrain from using any ESG TIMES trademarks without prior permission from ESG TIMES.
  • Must not alter, distort, or in any way modify the size or appearance of the ESG News
  • May link to the homepage of in and, contingent on compliance with this copyright policy, may also link to other pages on
  • Should not serve as a Substitute (as defined above).
  • Must not imply, in any manner, that ESG TIMES endorses it or its products or
  • Must not misrepresent its association with ESG TIMES or disseminate false information about ESG
  • Must not be a website or service that violates the intellectual property or other rights of any individual or fails to conform to relevant laws and regulations.
  • Must not be a website or service containing content that could be deemed as offensive or


What am I not permitted to do with ESG TIMES content?

You are restricted from engaging in any actions other than those explicitly specified above, unless you acquire the appropriate license (see below for details). By way of illustration, this means that you may not:

  • Share your user name and password (including PINs) with anyone else, if you are a registered user or subscriber. Passwords are intended for the exclusive use of a single Sharing a password could result in unauthorized access to and copying of our content, constituting a breach of our terms and conditions and potentially leading to copyright infringement. We actively monitor usage to identify password sharing.
  • Replicate, publish, or redistribute full-text articles, photographs, graphics, tables, or images through any means, except as allowed by any sharing tools provided.
  • Generate derivative works from our content, unless you are creating summaries as described
  • Photocopy or scan copies of
  • Remove the copyright or trademark notice from any copies of ESG TIMES
  • Utilize spidering technology or other data mining technologies to search and link to in.
  • Establish an electronic or structured manual database by systematically and/or regularly downloading, caching, printing, and storing all or any ESG TIMES content (through spidering or similar methods).
  • Frame, harvest, or scrape ESG TIMES content or access ESG TIMES content for comparable
  • Attempt to use ESG TIMES content beyond the parameters we have established, which depend on your specific subscription.


If you have any questions on the copyright or republishing our material, please contact us at editorial@